Deadwood after forest fires

The deadwood is being recorded in the research project by various partners and using different methods. The Eberswalde State Competence Centre for Forestry, the University of Potsdam, the Natural Forest Academy and the Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development are all involved.

The following deadwood classes are recorded: Lying deadwood (from 0.1 cm diameter), standing deadwood and stumps (> 7 cm diameter) as well as special structures (e.g. deadwood walls).

First results on standing deadwood

  • Almost exactly three years after the fire event, the collapse of the standing tree population is at its peak.

  • The management variant has a slight influence on the dynamics of the collapse (area B-K); a kind of "domino effect" can be observed on uncleared areas.

  • In contrast to storm areas, for example, fallen trunks often break at a height of four to five metres and remain as high stumps.

  • Older pines that have survived a light fire (area V) remain vital.

The picture gallery shows impressions of the investigations: